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Wholeness Coaching

Let me help you make it real and really you.

6-week Workshop

$270 / €250

Web conferencing details

provided upon confirmation.

Thanks to this 6-week Workshop, you will calm down your emotions and be able to take control of overly stimulating situations before they overwhelm you. I will share with you my emergency kit for Highly Sensitive People or in other words, the guide to good manners so as not to be overwhelmed by your heightened sensitivity. You will be able to set healthier boundaries with those around you and therefore improve your relationships. You will unapologetically accept your hypersensitivity while no longer feeling alone in the world.

Finally you will have more clarity to find the purpose of your mission and to give yourself the ability to achieve the mission for which you were born with this wonderful trait that the world so needs.

But the quest to become the best version of yourself isn’t about cherry-picking our best qualities and nurturing those attributes. It’s about seeing both the beautiful and the ugly which are in you, like everybody, and learning how to fully-integrate all-knowing of that whole self.

You have the power to integrate your shadow and to heal the deep dark wounds in your closet that shouldn’t be staying in your closet any longer in order to thrive. It isn’t going to be all a walk in the park during these 6 weeks, and it could be a little difficult at times, I won’t hide it. But believe me, I get it, I went through it and I will be by your side all along this journey together. I assure you, your healing and the integration of your traits are possible and I am here to remind you that you are the master of your life.


Whatever problems you encounter related to your high sensitivity, I will accompany you with help, support, listening, empathy, kindness, non-judgment and understanding.

Mindset Coaching - 6-week Workshop for HSP and Empath

1.5 hour Group Session/Week

Online Coaching

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